ARTICLE ‘Var Matin’ – 12.09.09
Rozenn Leboucher divulge her ethnic clichés
In modern civilisations, we tend to say that folkloric events come out when we have forgotten everything. Don’t tell this to Rozenn Leboucher, she would shoot you with her lens!
This young photographer from Bandol (south of France) runs off beaten tracks around the world, to come across populations and ethnic groups whom still conserved their traditional & customary festivals. Her explorer approach, combine with her exacerbated curiosity reaches the empathy.
An immersed optimism
A true photo documentary, a professional work, with a personal touch that mixes in the ritual reality a part of poetry. Always cheerful, these festivals draw their substances from their custom transmissions that forge their destiny. Apart from their healing virtues, these festivities are, for few communities, essential for their collective memories, and above all for their common destiny. Exhibitions’ visitors often invited to look at misery, starvation or wars will be surprised by this optimism project immersed in a subliminal ocean of colours, subtly captured by the artist.
A testimony of hope
Rozenn doesn’t lie about her photographed characters. Her clichés are spontaneously taken, and reflect life and reality. Her photographs are precisely taken to the smallest details.
Her message, blooming with veracity, has nonetheless a double signification: it is documentary and surely artistic; visitors will easily realise it. But above all, Rozenn gives witness to the fragile social future of these microcosms that still escape (but less and less) from mass tourism, or worth, from galloping modernism pollution.
Ethnocolor is a message of hope that should, when tendency is to protect our planet, inspires all the ones that scratch it, sometimes until destroying species, even human, and not necessarily with a firearm.
Rozenn Leboucher won several awards. Amongst them: « Humanity photo award » this year with the partnership of UNESCO with her subject ‘Funeral in Togo’; « Wanderlust professional travel photo of the year » in 2007 with her story on indigenous people on Papua Land, a nomination price “Géographical photographer of the year 2002”, on Cuba and an overall price for a fujifilm competition.
Erick Limpalaer